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H.O.W Leather Care


Always store your leather in a dry and temperate area in the provided cotton bag or a similarly breathable organic fabric such as linen or felt.



Avoid moisture penetrating and lingering into your leather which can invite mold or discoloration. If your leather does get wet, help prevent damage by wiping off all excess water with a paper towel and letting it dry thoroughly. Then gently apply leather conditioner with your bare hands to the affected areas and let it settle.



Regularly cleaning and contitioning your leather will prolonge its life almost indefinitely. How often you do so should depends on how often you use them. Always condition after cleaning leather to keep it from drying out. Avoid over conditioning and do not condition the suede. Conditioning your leather may darken the color a bit, but this is normal and a weathered patina on leather over time is a sign of good maintinence. â€‹



Clean the hard leather as needed with a gentle leather glycerin soap such as white saddle soap and a horsehair brush. You may also use other gentle leather cleaners for spot cleaning.



Many of our products are lined with a soft suede liner. Generally speaking, you should never use cleaners or conditioners on suede as it may ruin the nap. Instead, just brush the dirt and grime away with a horsehair brush or suede cleaning brush. You may apply suede protector spray if you wish.

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